Newly Qualified Teachers: Land Your First Teaching Position

As a Newly Qualified Teacher, it’s likely that looking for your first teaching position will be your first professional job hunt, so we’ve put together the Colmore Education Recruitment tips to landing your first teaching job.

  1. Start your search early

Many UK Schools start recruiting for their September-start teachers as early as January, with peak times between March – June, so it’s crucial that you start engaging Education Recruitment Agencies and Schools as early as possible.

  1. Take your time

Teaching job applications can be lengthy and usually consist of filling in an application form and providing a personal statement. We recommend that you take your time, personalise each application and be as clear and concise as possible.

  1. Your Personal Statement

To make your personal statement and CV as impressionable as possible, we recommend including all your teaching placements, what you’ve learnt from each position and how you’ll bring those learnings into your new school. This can include your classroom management style, how you mark and evaluate students’ work and your approach to parents. If you’re able to offer any extra curricular from your hobbies or interests for example Sports Clubs, Cooking Clubs or ICT, this will act as a huge benefit on your application.

  1. Do your background checks

Your first teaching job will set the foundations for your career, and support your growth. It’s important that you do your background checks and make sure this is a school you can commit to for the next few years.

We recommend reviewing their website, considering the location and commute, and reviewing any Ofsted reports, or for independent schools visit

  1. What to expect at the interview

Some interviewers often show NQTs around the school and allow them to meet pupils and future colleagues. Remember that this is all part of the interview process, so get involved, be yourself and ask questions.

Certain schools may also ask you to teach a lesson, so ensure that you prepare a lesson plan, but also be prepared to improvise with any of the students’ requests or questions.

  1. What to ask your headteacher / interviewer 

As mentioned earlier, it’s important that you do your due diligence to make sure the school is right for you. We recommend asking questions that are important to you. These could include the NQT Support Programme, approaches to behavior management in students, and ways you could use your skills to support after-school clubs or extracurricular activities.

We wish you all the best in your NQT Job Search. If you are looking for further support, we welcome any questions and are here to offer advice and support.