All adults who are in contact with children, young people and vulnerable groups in must always follow this policy, best practice, and comply with the Child Protection Policy and Code of Behaviour for the school/ establishment where you are working.

You are required to read and sign/ agree electronically to comply with this policy and follow the Code of Behaviour before you undertake any work through Colmore Education.

ln all matters of child protection, the welfare and safety of the child is the paramount consideration.

  • Teachers and others in regular contact with children, young people and vulnerable groups are able to get to know those individuals well, develop trusting relationships, observe changes in behaviour and may be chosen by the young person to share confidence and concerns. Regrettably, there are occasions where child abuse is alleged or suspected. All such situations must be taken seriously.
  • The policy of a school/establishment where temporary staff work must be followed to safeguard the welfare of young people and vulnerable groups and all others involved in the school activities by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm.
  • It is the responsibility of each adult member of staff to ensure that his/her behaviour is appropriate at all times.  A Code of Behaviour is included in this document to give positive guidance for all adults.  It is essential that all adults follow the Code of Behaviour whether they work with children, young people, or vulnerable groups. Detail of the steps to take if abuse is alleged or suspected are also included in this document.  It is important to remember that school staff are not investigating officers.
  • lf there is an allegation or suspicion of abuse then this must be reported immediately to the Designated Person for Child Protection, whose responsibility it is to refer to social services/police (who are the investigative agencies). At all times the welfare of the young person is paramount. Swift reporting will enable the investigative agency to give advice and take appropriate action.
  • These procedures exist, not to discourage adults from being involved in the life of school/service, but to ensure, as far as possible, that people who may abuse children do not get the opportunity to do so.



All adults who are in contact with children, young people and vulnerable groups in must always follow best practice, this policy -which requires you to comply with the Child Protection Policy and Code of Behaviour for the school/ establishment where you are working.

You are required to read and sign/ agree electronically comply with this policy and follow the Code of Behaviour. This form must be confirmed as read, and understood, by you before you undertake any work through Colmore Education.  ln all matters of child protection, the welfare and safety of the child is the paramount consideration.



If you suspect that a child/ young person/ vulnerable adult is being abused, immediately tell the Child Protection Designated Person. If the accusation is against this person, then you should inform the second Designated Person. Record the known facts for the above person.



  • Allow him/her to speak without interruption, accepting what is said.
  • Advise him/her that you will offer support, but that you MUST pass information on to the
    Child Protection Designated Person.
  • Immediately tell the Child Protection Designated Person.
  • Record the facts as you know them, including the account given to you by the young person and give a copy to the Child Protection Designated Person.



  • You must refer. You must not investigate.
  • Immediately tell the Child Protection Designated Person.
  • Record the facts as you know the and give a copy to the Child Protection Designated Person.



You are required to have read and understood
the statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment and agree to stay up to date with any changes to it.

You can find the guidance here Keeping children safe in education – GOV.UK (



  • Do treat everyone with respect.
  • Do provide an example you wish others to follow.
  • Do plan activities so that they involve more than one person or at least are in sight or hearing of others.
  • Do respect a young person’s right to personal privacy.
  • Do provide access for young people and adults to feel comfortable enough to point out attitudes or behaviours that they do not like, and try to provide a caring atmosphere.
  • Do remember that someone else might misinterpret your actions, no matter how well intentioned.
  • Do act as an appropriate role model.
  • Do not permit abusive youth/peer activities (e.g. bullying, ridiculing).
  • Do not play physical contact games, make inappropriate comments, or have inappropriate verbal banter with young people.
  • Do not jump to conclusions without checking facts.
  • Do not make suggestive remarks/gestures or tell jokes that could be construed as sexist/homophobic/racist.
  • Do not rely on your good name to protect you; it may not be enough.
  • Do not believe it could not happen to you. It could.